We use hyperacuity paradigms such as vernier, orientation
and curvature discriminations, as well as spatio-temporal interpolation
as sensitive probes to study perceptual learning, i.e. improvement of performance
over time through training (in adults) or development (in children). Another
aspect of temporal factors is temporal hyperacuity, the detection of time
differences of a few milliseconds and psychophysical tests of temporal binding.
Marcus Dill(internet-link: "http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/marcus/cv.html")
is a biologist interested in perceptual learning, especially
position specificity. At present, he spends a year at MIT with Tommaso Poggio.
Michael Herzog
got his degree in biology and mathematics. He is especially interested
in the role of feedback in human perceptual learning and performs both psychophysical
experiments and modelling.
Anne Holland-Moritz
Astrid Broos
, two medical students, join in Michaels efforts to understand perceptual learning.
Spatio-temporal interpolation and its improvement through training is the speciality of
Emanuela De Luca
, and
Anke Biester
investigates the differences
between real and apparent motion, i.e., short range apparent motion.
, for her MD thesis, chose to investigate the decline of M- and
P-resolution towards the visual field periphery.
Almut-J. Wegner
the influence of acute and chronic alcohol consumption on different capacities of the visual system like visual memory, perceptual learning, stereopsis, attention, and fast eye movements (saccades).
Manfred Fahle
performed a number of studies on temporal hyperacuity.